Society of CBT
The name of the association is: The Romanian Association of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies (Romanian Association of CBT) (the former name – 2000-2004 – was Romanian Association of Hypnosis and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy). The association is a professional organization, without patrimonial purpose, constituted in the base of the Governmental Edict concerning the associations and foundations No. 26 from 30.01.2000 by civil sentence No. 8016-2000 of Cluj-Napoca Courthouse. The Romanian Association of CBT is the oldest Romanian CBT organization, the professional arm and umbrella of the International Institute.
To learn more about CBT please visit see here and here
The Divisions of the Romanian Association of CBT
- Division of CBT/REBT* and CT**
- Division of behavior therapy
- Division of suggestion, cognitive hypnosis and hypnotherapy
- Division of CBT and medical applications
- Division of counseling for health
- Division for study of infant, children, and adolescents
- Division of CBT and psychopharmacology
- Division of formative diagnosis and dynamic assessment
- Division of research
- Division of public relations and development
- Division of ethics and certification in CBT
- Division of women and gender studies
- Division of couple and family studies
- Division of cognitive neuroscience
*CBT=Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, *REBT=Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, **CT=Cognitive Therapy
Affiliations the Romanian Association of CBT
The Romanian Association of CBT is member to international and national associations of psychotherapy as follows:
- European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies/EABCT starting with 2002 (accredited for CBT training by the EABCT);
- International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy (IACP) – membership starting with 2000;
- Romanian Board of Psychologists (accredited for CBT training since 2005);
- National College of Counselors and Psychotherapists (Romanian Psychological Association) starting with 2002;
- Romanian Federation of Psychotherapy starting with 2002.
Membership of the Romanian Association of CBT
- Founder members (certified in cognitive behavioral counselling and/or psychotherapies)
- Full members (certified in cognitive behavioral counselling and/or psychotherapies)
- Associate members (professionals practicing under supervision or research-oriented)
- Affiliates students, non-psychologist and non-physician professionals, promoting our goals and/or practicing as paraprofessionals (e.g., educators, social workers)
For detailed information about and for application for membership, please contact:
Anca Dobrean, Ph.D., No. 37 Republicii street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Fax: 00 40 264 595576 E-mail: