Center for Biomedical Imaging and Behavioral and Integrative Medicine (BrainQ Platform)
The Center for Biomedical Imaging and Behavioral & Integrative Medicine (the BrainQ Platform - MRI Clinical Center) is a key part of the International Institute for the Advanced Studies of Psychotherapy and Applied Mental Health and includes state of the art MRI clinical infrastructure - 3 tesla Skyra/Siemens & 7 tesla Siemens, including advanced virtual reality and EEG associated technologies - and associated labs, located on the INSPIRE Platform (InfoBionNano4Health & Biomedical Imagining). It is included in the MERIL Platform, which is an inventory of “…the most excellent research infrastructures in Europe, of more-than-national relevance, across all scientific domains…”. Also, Athinoula A. Martinos Center (Harvard Medical School) is the strategic partner of the BrainQ Platform.
The Center is coordinated by Professor Ph.D. Daniel David (also co-coordinating the component of Biobehavioral and Integrative Medicine/Psychosomatics in the Innovative Technologies in Mental Health & Biobehavioral and Integrative Medicine/Psychosomatics Lab.) and includes the following Laboratories: - The Biomedical Imaging Lab., coordinated by Dr. Ruben Nechifor. The following members are part of this lab: Dr. Dan Demco (physicist), Dr. MD. Melinda Molnar (physician), Dr. MD. Roxana Pintican (physician), Dr. MD. Andrei Roman (physician), Dr. MD. Bogdan Sava (physician), Cosmina Melente (radiology technician), & Alessia Moldovan (radiology technician). - The Innovative Technologies in Mental Health & Biobehavioral and Integrative Medicine/Psychosomatics Lab., coordinated by Professor PhD. Oana David. The following members are part of this lab: Dr. Loana Comșa (psychologist), Dr. MD. Tudor Mocan (physician), Dr. MD. Cristina Pojoga (physician), Lecturer PhD. Răzvan Predatu (psychologist), and Dr. MD. Radu Vidra (physician). - The Cognitive Neurosciences and Neuropsychology Lab., coordinated by Professor PhD. Andrei Miu. The following members are part of this lab: Research assistant Simina Pițur (psychologist). - The Clinical Cognitive Sciences and Positive Psychology Lab., coordinated by Professor PhD. Aurora Szentagotai-Tatar. The following members are part of this lab: Associate professor PhD. Ștefan Simona (psychologist) Lecturer PhD. Diana Cândea (psychologist), Lecturer PhD. Lia Oltean (psychologist). - Evidence-based Assessment and Interventions Lab., coordinated by Professor PhD. Anca Dobrean. The following members are part of this lab: Lecturer PhD. Costina Poetar (psychologist), Dr. MD. Oana Munteanu (physician), Dr. Roxana Cardoș (psychologist). - The Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis Lab., coordinated by Professor PhD. Anca Andreica. The following members are part of this lab: Professor PhD. Camelia Chira (IT), Professor PhD. Laura Dioșan (IT), Research assistant Adel Bajcsi (IT), Research assistant Cristina Moroz-Dubenco (IT), Research assistant Roxana Lascu (IT).
– The Genetic Counselling Lab., shared with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Bio-Nano-Sciences, coordinated by Senior lecturer PhD., Ramona Moldovan.
– Research in Sleep & Sleep Disorders Lab. – certified by the European Sleep Research Society -, coordinated by Dr. MD., Bogdan Voinescu
(1) Those interested to access the labs. should contact the coordinator of each lab., by providing info. about:
(1a) the proposed project (e.g., at least the title and an extended abstract);
(1b) CVs of the main PIs;
(1c) the expected mechanism of the proposed collaboration: (1) independent paid time; (2) partially paid time and joint projects; (3) joint projects.
(2) The coordinator of each Lab. will consult with the coordinator of the Center and the final decision will be taken together. Considering the strategic infrastructure of the Biomedical Imaging Lab., the decision can be discussed in the Board of the Institute.
(3) If the access time is limited, there are priorities regarding the projects of the internal team (BrainQ Platform), the teams of the larger INSPIRE Platform, and strategic collaborators of UBB.
ONGOING GRANTS (selection): (1). A Multimodal Brain Connectivity Marker for the Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease; Director: Joana Braga Pereira, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. (2) Neural mechanisms of trauma-related psychopathology in high-risk populations: A multi-method and prospective investigation into the roles of social-affective and social-cognitive processes; Director: Philipp Kanske, TU Dresden. (3) Enhancing cognitive-behavioral therapy by neuroscience: novel approaches to understand treatment response for anxiety and depressive disorders in adolescents; Director: Kristoffer Månsson, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden ( See some recent featuring media: (1) From cognitive sciences to cognitive neurosciences: